Sunday, 13 June 2010

If the oil spill has "nothing to do with national identity" why havn't we heard anything about Transocean?

While Obama is back pedalling over his recent criticisms of BP insisting it is "nothing to do with national identity" his American owned Transocean responsible for the drilling barely gets a mention even though it has been “involved in nearly three-quarters of all significant safety incidents on rigs in the region since 2008.

Can British Petroleum claim sovereign immunity?

If the US keep insisting that BP is actually British Petroleum can BP claim sovereign immunity and not give a penny in compensation to the greedy Americans ? Idea c/o the Mexicans.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Americans don't give a stuff about the environment

The whole world has had to clear up after many American oil spills such is their demand for cheap fuel to power their large gas guzzling cars. As for whining about the environment - which country did not sign up to the Kyoto protocol whilst 141 countries did? American hypocrites are the two words that sum up this whole affair.
See the map on the link below to see how America is so concerned about the environment - not. 

Another American oil disaster - and there's more - loads infact

On June 19th,2006, a waste oil tank at the American owned CITGO Refinery on the Calcasieu River, near Sulfur, LA was compromised during a violent rain storm. The spilled oil was initially contained by oil booms. Those booms subsequently failed and oil spread down the Calcasieu River and into Calcasieu Lake. Up to an estimated 71,000 barrels (approximately 3 million gallons) of waste oil was released into the containment. The exact amount of oil spilled and the amount reaching the water is still unknown. Was the chairman of Citigo summoned to see the president? Did he resign? - I don't think so! 

Obama's Nobel peace prize.

Obama should return his Nobel peace prize having just started a war between America and Britain.

Americans keep quiet about their own failures

Heard of the American owned Taylor Energy? An oil platform was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, resulting in leaks from 26 wells near Louisiana - still ongoing. I didn't think so. Has the chairman been summoned to see Obama? Is he going to resign? - I doubt it!

America - sort out your own failures before criticising others

25 years on and Union Carbide/Dow still hasn't sorted out the devastation at Bhopal. Neither has it appologised to the Indian government nor to the families of the 20,000 that have died from the tragedy, 120,000 Indians continue to suffer.

At least BP quickly took responsibility for the accident unlike American Exxon

Exxon was widely criticized for its slow response to cleaning up the disaster and John Devens, the mayor of Valdez, has said his community felt betrayed by Exxon's inadequate response to the crisis (Wikipedia) 

Why BP and not the American operators?

Why Is America going after BP rather than the American owned company Transocean - the rig owner that operates the rig under the Marshalese flag of convenience. Is it because they are American or is because they don't have a "special relationship" with the Marshalese people to screw them for billions of $$$?

Who do the Americans think they are lecturing BP about oil spills?